Liquid Fuel and LPG Storage and Loading Facilities at Alexandroupoli
of E.K.O. – EL.D.A. S.A.

The project concerns the construction of liquid fuel and LPG storage and loading facilities in a plot at the industrial area of Alexandroupoli, consisting of oil storage tanks with fixed conic roof supported by steel grid, gasoline storage tanks with fixed roof and internal floating cover to eliminate vapour emissions, truck loading station, oil separator, products pump station, fire fighting pump station, fire fighting water and oily water storage tanks, as well as office facilities building, storage building, electrical substation, control room and guard house. Truck loading station consists of 2 islands with 6 bottom loading arms and 2 vapour recovery arms, interconnecting pipework, oily sewer and waste water treatment plant. |
Provided Services
Project Budget: € 7.9 million |